If you are knowing to earn money you must well know to use it. Otherwise you can't enjoy the taste of the hard working. Some how, a lot of people like to save some money in the bank. It was gave a chance of authority plan a bad policy in the country. Because they can't stand people have better position than them. That is human being. A horrible mind and hidden inside human charactere.
A good investors should be able set his own target on every share which was bought bought by him in the past. When today the said price reach the target, he should well know before reach the target price. He should it early than others. Like targeting at 1,20, should sell it at 1,18. Because smart people should allow people earn some money after minusing the investment cost. So, it become easy to monitor the funds rather than forever regretted.
Why you wants to take profit? Because if you fall into illness only decide to do that. That is not enjoying the harvesting, that is suffering