Thursday, August 6, 2009

illness with poor

When you are really in poor position, you could feel disppointed in your life. The poor position are: -

a) you are in debt everywhere.
b) you have minimum money in hand and just enough for today food.

No assistance for you and you just waiting tomorrow coming with no hope. I have been survive with this type of life few years back. Thats kind of feeling not so good. a lot of people said" Time can help you". Is it true? i do not know but I am still survive now.
Yesterday in the shares firm, received a bad news from there. An old man found that he had cancer in his body. He is a good person and enjoy trading in equity investment. Perhap earn money can not extend his life but at least he is able to have some achievement in his life.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sry o...but i dunno how to msg u but cannot u pls take dow my photo? pls..=( ...
